Christliche Liederdatenbank    

You are my sunshine

Ref.: You are my sunshine
You send your light to guide me
You are my sunshine
I feel your warmth inside me
You are my sunshine
No clouds will ever hide you
You are my sunshine
You keep on shining through the night

1) In the morning
Darkness can’t stay no longer
Dawn breaks through
Daylight is gettin stronger
Like the morning dew
Vanishing after sunrise
You take the tears from my eyes
And one day I shall see you

2) Every season
Has its determination
Spring can bring
Colours back to creation
Flowers in the sun
Proudly unfold their beauty
I’m no longer sad and moody
For my winter has gone

Die Abdruckerlaubnis für dieses Lied wurde uns von Friedhelm Krenz zur Verfügung gestellt.

Das Lied ist in folgenden Liederbüchern enthalten:

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