Over in the Gloryland    

Ref.: Way over in the gloryland,
see that happy angelband,
over in the gloryland.
Over in the gloryland,
see that happy angelband,
over in the gloryland.

1) Sinners, there are rocks ahead,
don't forget what Jesus said,
over in the gloryland.
Wanna walk through heaven's door,
bow your head and sin no more,
over in the gloryland

2) Sometimes when I'm all alone,
Dream of my eternal home,
Over in the gloryland.
Can't be long now till I'm there,
Peace and mercy everywhere,
Over in the gloryland.

3) Sinner, don't you hide your face,
If you wanna see that place,
Over in the gloryland.
Sure ain'T got no time to lose,
If it's goin' that you choose,
Over in the gloryland.


Das Lied "Over in the Gloryland" ist in folgenden Liederbüchern enthalten:

  Cover Nummer Noten
Best of Spirituals & Gospels 80  Amazon
Gospel and Spiritual Classics 12  Amazon
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