Once, as I remember    

1) Once, as I remember,
At the time of Yule,
After mid December,
When it bloweth cool,
I o'erheard a Mother
Was a-singing, 'Sweet Jesu,
La-lullay-lu, La-lullay-lu.'

2) Near as man was able,
On my knee fell I,
in the Bethlem stable
Where the Babe did lie,
And the Virgin-mother
Was a-singing, 'Sweet Jesu,
La-lullay-lu, La-lullay-lu.'

3) Herdmen from the prairie
Came and piped for glee
For the Babe and Mary:
King of Glory he.
Then the Virgin Mother
Fell a-singing, 'Sweet Jesu,
La-lullay-lu, La-lullay-lu.'

4) Ox and ass around him,
Courtier-like, did stand:
Fair white linen bound him,
Spun by Mary's hand.
While the Virgin-mother
Was a-singing, 'Sweet Jesu,
La-lullay-lu, La-lullay-lu.'

To this Lord, contented
To endure the cold,
Easterlings presented
Incense, myrrh and gold:
Then the Virgin-mother
Fell a-singing, 'Sweet Jesu,
La-lullay-lu, La-lullay-lu.'

Ever among and o'er us
Angel-quire gan sing
Antiphons in chorus
To the new-born King.
Then the Virgin-mother
Fell a-singing, 'Sweet Jesu,


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100 Carols for Choirs 62  Amazon
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