Myn lyking (Lullay, mine liking)    

1) I saw a fair mayden sytten and sing.
She lulled a lyttel childe, a swete Lording.

Ref.: Lullay myn lyking, my dere sonne, my sweetling.
Lullay my dere herte, myn own dere derling.

2) That same Lord is he that made alle thing;
Of alle lordis he is Lord, of alle kynges Kyng.

3) There was mickle melody at that chylde's birth.
All that were in heuenly blisse they made mickle mirth.

4) Angels bright sang their song to that chylde,
Blyssid be thou and so be sche so meke and so milde.


Das Lied "Myn lyking" ist in folgenden Liederbüchern enthalten:

  Cover Nummer Noten
100 Carols for Choirs 34  Amazon
Carols for Choirs 2 19  Amazon
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