Christliche Liederdatenbank    

Didn't it rain, children

Ref.: Didn't it rain, children, rain the whole night long?
Didn't it rain, Lord? Didn't it rain, Lord?
Didn't it rain, children, didn't it rain?

1) Well, it rained forty days, forty nights without stoppin',
Noah cried "Stop!" but the rain kept adroppin'.
The sinners clung to trees, they were sighin'
and asobin' when they heard them waters roar.

2) Some climbed the mountain, some climbed the hill;
Some started floatin' and arowin' with a will.
Some started swimmin', and I guess they're swimmin' still,
Coause they heard them waters roar.


Das Lied ist in folgenden Liederbüchern enthalten:

  Cover Nummer Noten
Best of Spirituals & Gospels 12  Amazon
Spirituals for Choirs 34  Amazon
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